Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Nov 26th Letter

WELL GOOD MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How was everyone's thanksgiving holiday?

Mine was amazing. It was so much fun we had a lot of food but a lot more fun as well.

So here is the week at a glance. GETER DUN. haha

Tuesday was a pretty busy day for me here. We had appointments all day and it was good to stay busy. We had an appointment at Noon with less active young men. His name is Miguel Leal he and his Dad are the only one in the family who are members and he is making an effort to coming back to church. When we meet with him we are treating him as an investigator in ways like teaching him the lessons from square one so restoration and plan of salvation etc. He hasn't been to church in a long time and doesn't remember much. But lately he has come three weeks in a row and is loving it he told us he has a desire in bringing his family to church and get them all active. He said he loves coming to church because it helps him make important decisions in his life. He just has a hard time understanding what everything means such as Lamanites and Nephities that's why we went over and to help him. We met with a woman named Miriam Casanova she is less active and her husband is a non-member. At one point in his life he met with the missionaries and almost joined but never did. We have been trying for weeks to stop by and meet with him so we set up a time to come over. We came by at the time we set up and he left right before we came the wife wasn't too happy but we told her that we will come by later today and visit with them. It’s a good thing we did we caught him right when he was pulling in the driveway. hahah sucker we got him there is no way he is escaping us. As we started to visit with him he was beating around the bush saying that he doesn't have time in his work life to come to church and stuff. He said he busy and when he is home he likes to relax and all that crazy stuff. But he said yall are willing to come by whenever and if I’m up to it we can talk about the bible and Book of Mormon so there is a glimmer of hope with him just going to take a lot of time.

Wednesday I was on exchanges with Elder Matuauto again, :) He is so fun to be around we get along very well so the exchange was very good and we had a lot of fun together. We got a call from our bishop to help him with service he said he needed help moving a ladder. I told Elder Matu and he started laughing and I was like what the heck well okay whatever so we went over to the bishops house and he has a very tall ladder and he was putting up Christmas wreaths on his house he needed our help to move it after he gets off Its one of those ladders that stand straight up and is very heavy. It was a good time to spend with our bishop and do some service and establish a stronger relationship with him. After we got done and their neighbor was watching us and asks if he can hire us missionaries to move his Christmas tree into his house. The bishop was like no you don't need to hire us we will come do it for you. The neighbor was like how much do I owe you? I said all you have to do to pay us back is go on this web site mormon.org and check it out. He was like I will and started praying for me on the drive way. Kinda random but it was good because the bishop notice it and it impacted him and he shared that story in priesthood meeting in saying we need to support our missionaries better. So it made me feel good that we did something that made somewhat of a difference.

Thanksgiving out here was AMAZING... I had so much fun out here in this ward I was deeply blessed that I have the opportunity to be in this ward during the holiday season. So at 8 am was the annual Spring Creek turkey bowl and it was my first turkey bowl it was so much fun. We played for three hours and I was so sore afterwards I caught 3 touchdowns and got 1 interception and had A BLAST doing it. Some people got hurt like dislocated thumbs and Charlie horses but it was a good environment to be in. My team we dominated we went undefeated. The Ward was stacking teams to play us there is a family in the ward that is super athletic and super good at sports. So I had the two sons and when we found out the teams were getting stacked they called there dad and he came over and played for us. I was the second tallest on the team alongside of a 6'5 adult and the rest were pretty small but super-fast. We won them 5-1 it was awesome.

We had Thanksgiving dinner at a member of the bishopric's home The Rosenlund's it was a very good dinner I didn't eat a lot this thanksgiving. I was actually shocked and I bet yall are too the thing I was most happy about was I actually had jello!!!!!!!!! First time in 9 months I was so happy I also had some good pies there and also at other members house. We then went to the Singers house and had a lot of fun there we played pool, ping pong and talk to a lot with members. I watched the last bit of the Texans football game it was Detroit Verses Texans OR in other words. DAD'S MISSION VERSES KENDALL'S MISSION and guess who came out the winner????????????? THAT'S RIGHT TEXANS BABY YEEEE-HAWWWWW. haha and afterwards we played just dance on the X-box they recorded me doing my dance moves and having a fun time i asked them if they could send it to me. And they said I can’t I have to send it to someone who has a I phone. I was like I know who has one my sisters send it to her. Good thing I still remember her phone number so that how you got to see my dance moves the only thing yall missed was me doing Michael Jackson beat it. hahah that was funny. We then went to another member’s house for pies not a lot of people showed up so we visited with then the rest of the night so this thanksgiving felt like I was home relaxing with my familia. haha

We met with Monica and Justin Swapp this week. They took us out to the woodlands mall to view some of the Christmas lights but there weren’t a lot of them up because it is barely the day after Thanksgiving so they took us out to a frozen yogurt place and had a good time. I FINALLY GOT TO RIDE IN A TRUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was amazing even though it was a Dodge and a Cummings but I still loved being in a truck but before we went to have fun we taught them the restoration. It was a good lesson and they enjoyed it especially Monica hearing it again after 15 years. They came to church this week It was Monica's and Justin's first time coming and for Monica it has been 15 years and it was Justin's first time. They were worried about not being comfortable but I think that wasn't a problem after the first 5 mins in the sacrament meeting a lot of people came up and talk with them and they said it was really nice. Monica felt the spirit in gospel principles class we were talking about the Holy Ghost and she expressed her feelings about the missionaries coming by and bringing that spirit into their house. It was amazing we later found out that Justin isn't a member so he is our new investigator and he has a desire to be part of our church YA BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In closing I just wanna express my love to everyone. I have been thinking a lot about this lately the love the members have for us missionaries. Our ward has been pushing the ward members to help us out in the missionary work. The roles of the missionaries are to support the ward but the members are the real missionaries. And this week I have felt the love of the members with the season of giving always be mindful of those around us. And do all that you can to do service or do something small. I wanna yall to all go to mormon.org/christmas and put that link on your Facebook account. This is something that the church has been putting on that will help with the missionary effort and also helps others know the true meaning of Christmas. It will only be up for about a month and it’s a way to get us out to people who might not know who we are and what we think about Christmas I would appreciate it if all of yall do it. I love yall. Remember that this is a time of giving and people are always grateful in these times of the year.


Elder Christensen

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Singer Family

An awesome member family in Elder Christensen's ward. Both the husband and wife are orginally from Cache Valley.

Nov 19th Letter

Whats up Yall

How has yall been week been this week. Mine has been interesting from being sick and feeling like crap to Getting a new companion to having miracles happening to us in two days. It’s amazing how we go through roller coasters to having good things happen to us.

This week was transfer week. And we got the call Tuesday night around 9:30pm saying that Elder Gutierrez was going to get transferred. He was really bummed to be leaving this was his first area and he was sad and kind of depressed to leave he got more nervous when president called him saying he was going to be district leader in Conroe which is just about 15 mins north of us so he isn’t too far away. But all Wednesday he was really sad saying bye to members and it just showed me that he really does love everyone. It was good that I got to spend three months with him. It seemed like it went by so fast even though we had our rocky first couple weeks of the transfer.

On Thursday I got a new companion. His name is Elder Michael Hilton from Honolulu Hawaii. He was born in California and he grew up in Hawaii he went to BYU for three years. He came to Texas to sell for Vivint for a summer. He is 20 Yrs old and he has been out for only 3 months so I got another greenie. So in missionary slang I’m his greenie breaker which means I’m his second companion after his trainer or his dad. I have been a step dad for two missionaries in Elders Gutierrez and Hilton. Elder Hilton is a good guy he has got a lot of energy He is ADD so he has a lot of energy which will be good to go out and work. So I hope this old man can keep up with him haha. I’m old I have been out 9 months which is freaking Crazy seems like I have been out only 3 months.

We met with Kelsey this week she is doing good. She is still a happy little girl we haven’t been able to meet with any of our investigators this week. Our top one is gone for the week and with transfer this week we were unable to meet with any of them and they were either gone this week or busy or signed up for a different time this month.

This week consisted of Several Miracles. During this week I was thinking man this letter was going to be short not a lot of things was going on and I thought man I got to have things to write to my family and man didn’t god provide for us.

Mormon Moment.

1. On Friday after District meeting we went to the only pawn shop in our area, My companion wanted a MP3 player for cheap so we went inside to see what they got. As we did so the women that checked us out with an mp3 asked us what we are doing I said we are missionaries for the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. She said I know who yall are I said you do she said yeah aren’t yall witnesses. (Which means Jehovah witnesses?) I said no ma'am we are missionaries from the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints the Mormons. She said I have no idea who yall are I said really well this is what we do I explained what we do and i said well where do you live. She said she lived behind our church house I said well I’m sending missionaries there to teach you can i have your information. She said yeah that would be awesome so maybe yall can teach my daughter she needs to do something. I said we can do that so that was awesome.

The same Night we were at Wal-Mart and a kid came up and said yall are missionaries. I said yes we are. The little boy said. Yall were at my house the other day I said did you invite us in. He said no but yall explained a lot. I said you want us to come back to your house he said yeah. :0

2. We were in a neighborhood of a potential investigator. We went knocked on his door and he wasn’t interest. But we were walking to another house where we met this guy named Willie. He was a black guy who outside smoking and was going back in to watch some football. He mentions that when he was in New York he talked to the missionaries he said they were always going out talking to people. He had a lot of questions, like blacks and the priesthood, Joseph Smith so we helped him understand more about it and he said that he wasn’t interested in joining our church but he was appreciated us talking to him and clearing things up for him.

3. The coolest miracle of the week happened to us on Saturday and Sunday. First we had a referral that we needed to get in contact with so we called them up and the husband answered and said that he wants us to come by on Sunday around 6 pm i said ok we will be there. Now the background with referrals is that they are not the best they are cool but not a lot of them are interested so that is what i was thinking he is going to say to come at this time and won’t be there but we went to his neighborhood that night and tracked the houses leading to this referrals house. We found one potential who might be interested.

Well Sunday came around and it was 6 pm time for us to go to this appointment, we had a member with us we stopped and we prayed that these people would be interested. We go knock on the door and all of the sudden this women answers the door and was so nice saying elders come on in i was thinking how does she know we are elders i was confused. After talking she said that she was a member that lived in Wyoming for a while got married and wants to come back to church. She said she has been inactive for 15 years and she wants to come back and raise her future family in the church I was so amazed this is better than getting a new investigator. Her husband got into an accident in 2005 and can’t remember anything that happened before that time so he doesn’t know if he is a member or not but we will soon find out and his wife wants us to teach them the lessons again. She has tried to come back to church before with just herself no one else and she said that it was hard so she wants our help. :) This couple is amazing Redneck couple so i feel home. We sat there while she served us pie talking about trucks even though he likes dodge. He has a 2006 dodge inline 6 twin turbo pushing out about 700 horsepower and he said by January he is going to have 1000 horse power he said i can ride in it this week YEEE-HAWWW.

This week i have been thinking a lot about the family and how blessed i am for being in a family who is strong in the gospel with a mom and dad who love each other and love their kids and would do anything for them and also raising us up in the right church. I’m so grateful for families and the blessing it is to be here in a family. I love you guys. Thank you for everything. I’m so blessed being out here receiving blessings. I hope yall feel it even though it is hard being out here it is all worth it. Sacrifice brings forth the greatest blessings I’m so grateful for a family who loves me. THANK YOU ALL.


Elder Kendall Christensen

Thursday, November 15, 2012

9 Month Mark

Elder Christensen and the rest of the family hit another milestone today. He has hit his 9th month mark. It is crazy to think that he has been gone for that long. One inch closer to the 1 year mark and also to the double digits.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Random Pics

                                                       At the Houston Texas Temple

                                     Elder Christensen and Elder Gutierrez with their new
                                                           investagator Elena Kent

Baptism #11

Elder Christensen experienced the baptism of Kelsey Hodson on Saturday which is also his 11th baptism. What a happy day it was for him and his companion.

                                                  Elder Christensen, Kelsey, Elder Gutierrez

Nov 12th Letter

Hey Everyone!!!!!!!

Man what a great week this has been huh? Well for me it has been a week that i will never forget it has been amazing and a lot of things happened that i love.

Tuesday was a depressing day! Election Day :( When Romney lost and Obama won it was funny i was listening to it with some other elders and we were gathered together listening and waiting for a miracle to happen. But when we found out that Obama was going to win we read some scriptures about miracles and had a prayer that Romeny would pull off a miracle and win but we found out later that it never happened :( sad sad day.

Everyone here in Texas had the day off from school because it was the elections. (I wish i had the day off) But since school was out that meant a lot of people were home. So we took our priest (17 year old) with us and we visited an investigator. We taught him about the plan of salvation but i don’t know how much he understood of it. He listens and then speaks about something really random in the bible It’s hard to teach him but he is teaches me patience haha. Later we visited with Kelsey Hobson to get her ready for Saturday baptism. Her grandmother who is a member but is way less active told us nicely that she doesn’t want to be pushed to church. She knows that this is our job but she has things to get over but she knows she has to come to church. So one of these days she will come to church. We went to mutual that night and help the young men know more about what our week consist of.

Wednesday and Friday we visited with Elena Kent. She is the one that we gave the baptismal date of the 22nd of December. We taught her the plan of Salvation and Restoration. She is becoming more receptive to the message that we have. In the beginning she wasn’t because she had a lot of questions that she said that she needed to know before all of this happened but she has come to the realization that she might not know all of her questions here in this life but she will know it in the life to come. Every time we go over there we have a super powerful lesson the spirit is super strong and we have good conversations. She is going to be gone this week camping so we will resume teaching her next week.

Thursday we went to the TEMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Usually we go to the 9'o clock session but the mission president and the temple president got together and said that they wanted us to go at 8am which is super hard for us. We have to be there at 7:30 and get up early so needless to say a lot of people were sleeping but every time i go it just so amazing I really look forward to go to the temple it makes me realize how blessed we are to have a temple so close to us and go whenever we want. So thank heavens for temples. Guess what i finally had this week, HAWAIIAN HAY STACKS I haven’t had them since i left. So this member ask me what i wanted to have for dinner because it was my turn to pick so i picked them and man it was so good just like home and had all the fixings that we would usually have. haha. Thursday nights are the nights we have splits with the ward members and this night we had a very successful night. We got to visit 4 families within an hour. One of them was special she was an old relief society president who has become less active and she is very hard to get a hold of. We stop by and i knocked and she answered and was grateful that we came by. She said that she felt like she needed to answer the door when i knocked so she said that i have a convincing knock. haha whatever that means Thursday was a good day.

The best day of the week by far was Saturday which means BAPTISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. YEEE-HAWWW. Kelsey Hodson got baptized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a really good turnout she had a lot of members of her family show up and to support her which is good because they are not the most religious family but they know how to support family when something like this happens. I had the privilege of speaking at her baptism. I spoke about baptism and for some reason before i talk to people on a stage or a meeting i get nervous, but i love it because when i get up there and talk all of the sudden i get comfortable so thank heavens of the spirit huh! The baptism was one of the most spiritual things i have attended. It was amazing seeing her in the water getting baptized and being a witness and seeing all of our hard work that we have been able to do come to this. As someone special once told me its "payday" and it sure was. My Companion Elder Gutierrez was privileged to confirm her Sunday in Sacrament Meeting and that was his first time doing something like that. He did such a good job he was extra nervous because we had to say the prayers in sacrament meeting and do the confirmation.

Camille (Blonde) Moment:

So i had a Camille moment this week that i would like to share haha. We visited with a member that we are working closely with and her boyfriend who just speaks Spanish and he is taking the lessons from the missionaries. We went over there one night and she was telling us about how he is just progressing very well and that he is getting baptized soon. She is so happy because she catches him reading and watching church movies, she asked if we had any more movies that we can give him. I said of course we do. She asked do yall have any on you and i said that we can watch one with him but it’s not in Spanish. She said well what is it. I explained to her by saying well can he understand melodies like music without words? She started laughing and she said “Well Duh he can” it took a second of thinking of what i said and was like Crap I’m so like my sisters hahaha. So just let yall know Spanish people understand music hahahah

In closing i just wanna express my love for you especially my family for the love that yall have for me and letting me come on my mission and serve the Lord for 2 years. I couldn’t do this without yall's support and love. But I’m grateful for the sacrifice yall make. I love you all and wish i could express my deepest love for yall but it wouldn’t be enough have a good week. Be safe. I pray for yall every day and night.

Love yall
 Elder Christensen

Monday, November 5, 2012

Kelsey right before Halloween

Hanging out with one of his investigator Kelsey. He is still the silly kid he was before he left.

First Halloween pumpkin for Elder Gutierrez‏

Texas Flag

Nov 5th Letter

Hola Como estan familia estoy bien como lo estan pasando

(Hey family I’m doing good, how are yall doing )

Oh yeah that right I know some Spanish. Ok maybe not I had to have Elder Gutierrez help me with that. haha

This week was really good. We were busy and a lot of cool things happen this week.

This week of course yall know was Halloween now as missionaries we don’t get to have a lot of fun on Halloween. We had to be in our apartment by 6:30 pm which sucks. We went to a member’s house for a little bit to visit with them and have a good time. When we were there we played ping pong and pool and foosball which I am only good at one of these things and that is pool. The Dad taught us tricks and what we can do to improve our game. Well as this was happening of course trick or treaters where coming and getting candy. The dad left to go downstairs and do something while we were up stairs playing pool. We heard our names called down stairs and was told to come here so we rushed down stairs to see what we did wrong or something. Come to find out our investigator came and trick or treat at their door. The member dad came with us to an appointment with us before and they are neighbors. We got talking to her (Her name is Elena Kent) and right before she left she was like " you guys have been trying to come by lately have ya." we said "yeah" she said. "Wanna come by this week and visit." we said “yeah sure what day and time” we then got an appointment for the next day at 5pm.

So next day rolls on and we get permission to take one of our priests who is preparing to serve a mission. He is 17 and is excited to come with us we got less than a half a mile away and she called and cancelled and said to stop by tomorrow at the same time. We told the priest and he said "well i didn’t come all the way here with you to have to go right home lets go tracking" myself and elder Gutierrez were like "okay where you wanna go." we told him where our boundaries were and he was thinking we then pulled over and said a pray and we found a neighborhood and we started going at it. We found some Buddhist and all type of people this priest was amazing. He was just spitting out verses out of the bible and just teaching these people left and right it was truly amazing.

Friday came and we went and took that same priest to the appointment with Elena Kent. We got there and we got talking about the last part of the salvation. We started talking about that because she mention that her husband's coworker’s son died in a car accident and we wanted to help her learn and gain a testimony of the plan of salvation. Well that turned into a whole lesson on the plan of salvation she wanted to hear all of it. I don’t know how that got to be the topic but we shared a lot of personal experiences and the spirit was really strong. Than while we were talking about the preexistence somehow the topic turned into about coming into this world and being baptized at a young age. She believes that babies need to be baptized we told her about when we are supposed to be baptized. Now earlier in this day we had zone meeting talking about how we need to help bring people to baptism and I remember this one scripture Mosiah 18:10 it talks about what do you have against being baptized in the name of Christ and having the spirit being poured upon you. Before that Elena mentions she has a desire to be baptized. So I felt prompted to give her a baptism date and I asked my comp if he felt like we should. He nodded yes so I ask her and she accepted and we gave her the date of the 16 of December. I meant to tell her the 15 but she asked well what the next week is? I told her the 22nd she said I want that date it’s easy to remember. So WE HAVE ANOTHER BAPTISMAL DATE it was truly a spiritual experience. We sat and talk and thought if we would of never went to the members house on Halloween we would of never have had this opportunity.

We told this to our Bishop who was shocked. He knows her pretty well and was like well when is the baptism. We told him the 22nd of the December. He said well that interesting we have the Ward Christmas party that day and we have that building all day to us. He said it funny the ward members have asked why we are having the party at the stake center again. He said I don’t know we just need to. When we told him about Elena Kent and her date he said well we know now why we need to have the party that day. He said the same thing happen to them last year. They had a baptism the Saturday of their party

So that was the coolest thing that happened to us this week.

We still have our baptism this week Kelsey Hodson will be baptized on Saturday at 12pm. I don’t know who is more excited Elder Gutierrez, myself or Kelsey haha so we have a baptism this week

Another investigator we are meeting with has postponed our appointments for this month cause she is getting married to her member boyfriend so we will continued with teaching her in December and Elder Gutierrez and myself feel comfortable with it and that she will be baptized soon after it.

In closing i wanna thank yall for all your prayers and support. I can truly feel them and I’m so appreciative of all you do. I love you all and pray for yall each morning and night.

Thank you for all that you do for the gospel and for the church.


Elder Kendall Christensen